Top Websites to Help You Promote Your Blog.

I recently created a new blog and was considering how I could increase my readership without investing in a commercial domain. I'm aware that there are other platforms that can assist, but what are they? And how are you going to reach out to other users? Let's talk about it today.

1) Pinterest - is a visual discovery engine for finding ideas like recipes, home and style inspiration, and more. (Pinterest Help Center)

The nice thing about Pinterest is that when you update it, it suggests your Pins or Boards. Apart from being user-friendly, it focuses on sharing fascinating and useful content. There will be no hostile posts or remarks. You'll also gain access to a wealth of information. This website comes highly recommended by me.

2) Facebook - is an American online social media and social networking service. (Wikipedia)

I believe everyone will agree that Facebook is the most popular social media site on the planet. The good thing about it is that you can make a page where you can encourage people to follow and like your blog in addition to your personal account where you can publish the link to your blog, although the ideal approach to gain more visitors is to boost it by spending a set amount of money.

3) Quorais an international question-and-answer website where questions are asked, answered, followed, and edited by Internet users, either factually or in the form of opinions. (Wikipedia)

It was a fresh experience for me with Quora. I see it as a way to promote your blog because you can ask questions, leave comments, and make suggestions about a specific topic that is linked to your blog, and you can even include a link if you want.

4) Instagram is a free photo and video sharing app available on Apple iOS, Android and Windows Phone. People can upload photos or videos to our service and share them with their followers or with a select group of friends. (Instagram)
Instagram is the only one of the Top 5 sites I've listed here for which I don't have an account for my blog at the time, but I do have one for my business. Instagram is the world's second most popular social networking platform. The majority of individuals utilize this as a method to market their products since it is simple and people can relate to it.

5) Tumblr - is where your interests connect you with your people. (Tumblr)

It's like a mash-up of everything. However, you will not receive as many visitors as you would from Pinterest, but you may still post a topic from your blog and include your link.

You may actually market your blog on a variety of social media networks. I didn't add YouTube because it's a completely separate approach that requires you to first create a video to promote your blog.

I hope you enjoy reading about this subject once more. For the time being, I'll say goodbye.


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